Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Response to Attack by Opposers of Michigan Moto Mania

I was taken to task in the Klasko blog today which opposes the creation of Michigan Moto Mania in Harrison, Michigan and have fought for over a year to have it stopped via appeals and the court system.  Here is my response which I will not post on their blog - I would like to state a couple of facts for the record.  First I also taught business, management, and communication at the college and am a certified teacher in Social Studies for public schools so I am heavily educated in government.  Sorry to disappoint you but there are different economic and government views that exist throughout the world.  One of the most prevalent is the one in which the majority wins.  Secondly, there is a term called eminent domain in which the government has used many times to take over land from individuals for the use of the community.  It is not a novel idea and one discussed quite frequently in the course of government and economics. That is where the idea of the good of the many outweigh the good of the few is used in American government and economics.  We have borrowed many of our ideas from European philosophers. While attacking my professionalism as the reason I was let go from my job at MMCC, you may also want to wait for my hearing in May at the MERC, as I was unionizing the adjuncts at the college at the time I was let go.  This is against federal law.  I defended MMM while running for election not to pander for votes but because it was an idea I truly believe in as an economic asset to an area that has been devastated by our poor economy.  You may feel free to check the Michigan Finance Database to find that none of the people involved with or at the meetings made a contribution to my campaign.  The value of your property dropping is in response to all property values dropping in the state of Michigan by as much as 35% or more over the past ten years and not due to MMM but again by a poor economy and loss of population within the state of Michigan along with hundreds of thousands of jobs - something MMM is trying to provide in the area.  I believe that Michigan Moto Mania's next move may be to form a Biker Church on their property and ask for protection under the RLUIPA.

Local Foreclosure Post - US Government Sues Senior Housing

Looking through the list of foreclosures in the local newspaper this morning turned up an interesting item.  The United States of America, particularly the former agency known as Farmer's Home Administration and now known as the Rural Development Agency, part of the US Department of Agriculture has sued Whispering Winds Apartment complex in Harrison, Michigan for default of its mortgage on a senior housing and low-income apartment complex claiming it is owed over $700,000.  Of course, the interesting part about this is that the residents of the complex could all become homeless if the foreclosure process is completed.  Whether or not this is just a formality in an attempt for the US to regain it's money remains to be seen.  But aren't there other targets for the US government to chase after rather than an apartment complex that receives government subsidies for its residents?  Do you see the irony here?  The United States government is actually suing a limited partnership which relies upon government subsidies as its main source of payment!!!  Maybe the government subsidies aren't enough for the borrower to make its payments.  Instead of costing itself and US taxpayers millions of dollars in court costs, why doesn't the US go chase BP and its brilliant Board of Directors for the hundreds of millions and billions of dollars it owes citizens affected by the gulf oil spill.  Oh, that's right - someone lost all of the claimants' information on their misplaced laptop.  Perhaps that is what happened at Whispering Winds; one of the elderly apartment managers with a slight loss of memory may have accidentally misplaced a monthly payment meant for the USDA and gave it away as last month's Bingo winnings.  Only in America does the government actually have the gall to try and sue itself, however indirectly it may be.

Welcome -

Today starts a new chapter in my life as I begin blogging once again.  I will rant and rave about nearly any topic but especially those particularly dear to me - sports, politics, current events, and TV and movies.  I promise to keep the foul language to a minimum but I will not refrain from speaking how I feel and what needs to be said. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions and visit often.  You can follow me at Twitter at Jaybird691 also.  Looking forward to a new and exciting adventure and it all begins today.