Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Response to Attack by Opposers of Michigan Moto Mania

I was taken to task in the Klasko blog today which opposes the creation of Michigan Moto Mania in Harrison, Michigan and have fought for over a year to have it stopped via appeals and the court system.  Here is my response which I will not post on their blog - I would like to state a couple of facts for the record.  First I also taught business, management, and communication at the college and am a certified teacher in Social Studies for public schools so I am heavily educated in government.  Sorry to disappoint you but there are different economic and government views that exist throughout the world.  One of the most prevalent is the one in which the majority wins.  Secondly, there is a term called eminent domain in which the government has used many times to take over land from individuals for the use of the community.  It is not a novel idea and one discussed quite frequently in the course of government and economics. That is where the idea of the good of the many outweigh the good of the few is used in American government and economics.  We have borrowed many of our ideas from European philosophers. While attacking my professionalism as the reason I was let go from my job at MMCC, you may also want to wait for my hearing in May at the MERC, as I was unionizing the adjuncts at the college at the time I was let go.  This is against federal law.  I defended MMM while running for election not to pander for votes but because it was an idea I truly believe in as an economic asset to an area that has been devastated by our poor economy.  You may feel free to check the Michigan Finance Database to find that none of the people involved with or at the meetings made a contribution to my campaign.  The value of your property dropping is in response to all property values dropping in the state of Michigan by as much as 35% or more over the past ten years and not due to MMM but again by a poor economy and loss of population within the state of Michigan along with hundreds of thousands of jobs - something MMM is trying to provide in the area.  I believe that Michigan Moto Mania's next move may be to form a Biker Church on their property and ask for protection under the RLUIPA.

1 comment:

  1. These landowners are mostly non-residents who don't visit the area but a couple times a year. They have FAT pensions, because the age divide on this is huge, young v old for the most part, and they gained employment back in the union days of glory for the middle class. They are nouveau riche.

    They feel their 40-120 plus acre lots will somehow be affected by noise, yet they fill the air with the hum of speeding snowmobiles each winter and ATVs during the summer. They feel because they are "better" than us small town folk, they should dictate our lives. They are wrong.

    Should they continue to impeded new businesses, Clare County will never pull from last place in health outcomes, last place in job creation and first place (yeah) in the county that has the most residents receiving government assistance. Yeah, that's what they want to do to US, the life's blood of Harrison.

    Your large land plots will no more be affected by MMM as it is now planned than a gravel pit, airport, or other SUP ordinanced businesses. Doug and Robin met you halfway; now you are pouting like the infantile adults you are.

    Viva la resistance!
    Via Genine Hopkins
